To raise an awareness of the poor and needy children in our communities in Sri Lanka, to the people on this side of the Globe
Aims And Objectives
To solicit funds and gather necessary materials from compassionate donors from USA and friends from other parts of the world
Aims And Objectives
To be consistently aware of our short- and long-term goals and have specific well-outlined action plans to meet those goals
Aims And Objectives
To exercise complete transparency from the time it is collected until they get to the hands of the children
Aims And Objectives
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Crossroads Lanka is a charitable non-profit foundation managed by people with compassionate hearts towards the less fortunate children of Sri Lanka. It is founded on the principles of love and compassion. The operators of this foundation are those who desire to lessen the gap between the haves and have nots. We are always on the lookout for those who are in need in our communities in Sri Lanka. We solicit funds so that we can buy the necessary goods according to the needs of our children. We gather materials so that we can directly send these to the targeted areas. We would like to call upon donors from all walks of life to contribute towards this worthy cause.

About Our .

Crossroads Logo is designed keeping in line with our mission statement, aims, and objectives. It represents who we are and our core beliefs.

The heart and the color codes of the logo represent

The Sri Lankan flag in all its splendor

The heart and the color codes of the logo represent

4 beams symbolize

benevolence, compassion (kindness), joy, and calmness which is actually represented in the 4 bodhi leaves in Sri Lankan flag

4 beams symbolize

Children playing inside the heart shows the freedom they enjoy

if we show our love, care, and compassion towards them, each can live his/her life to its fullest

Children playing inside the heart shows the freedom they enjoy

Crossroads can mean

That no matter which religion, language, cast, or creed you belong we are all united together under the same flag

Crossroads can mean

to feed and educate!

we needyoursupport

became a part to change the world


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